Introducing our new brand: Human Potential Advisors

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“Where can I find what you offer?”

This has been a reoccurring question from prospective clients over the years. And while I’ve been fortunate that a majority of organizations learn about me through referral and word of mouth recommendations, others want references, details and more consideration. I completely understand that rationale.

It is this question, along with the desire to better showcase my unique approach, that led me to rebrand. 

For almost 20 years, I have worked beside my husband helping to run our IT staffing business. I found that I was much more talented in culture and communication than in accounting.

Eight years ago, I made the decision to dive deeper into consulting using what we had learned in the school of hard knocks. Determined to be well-equipped to best serve my clients, I added nine different certifications to the mix. I’m also currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership and Executive Coaching. Needless to say, we now have a much more robust list of offerings than just Team Building.

So, approximately 6 months ago, I decided to take a step back and work ON the business and not just IN the business. Finnern Consulting helped me to think well and dig deep crafting new purpose, mission and values. And together, we crafted this new brand: Human Potential Advisors.

I have always been able to see potential in people. That’s why I love StrengthsFinder. It clearly shows the science of the good and the lovely that lives within each of us. And my personal mission of “Setting People Free from Unhealthy Thinking” is what I want to accomplish in this next chapter.

I am grateful to the many clients who have believed in me, trusted me, and hired me to come along side and help encourage their Human Potential to develop Strong Human Capital. Nothing really has changed with this rebrand except that I am more focused, clearer on what I offer, and have a stronger grasp on my true purpose in this work.

I am excited to have developed 150+ custom teachings over the last eight years. And creating unique, out of the box solutions is my specialty. So, please keep me in mind if you find you need to ALIGN, STRENGTHEN or EQUIP your Human Capital. I would love to help.

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