As 2022 draws to a close, I felt compelled to make the time to say a big “THANK YOU” to some loyal clients who have supported and believed in our product over the last 8 years.
I feel so grateful for the opportunity to invest in thousands of people over a year’s time and most of that would not be possible without these specific clients.
Please click on their names to learn more about each of the wonderful organizations.
- Thank you to The Lukens Company. This organization is an 8-year client who has absolutely transformed their culture into one of the Best Workplaces in America. They slay workforce culture, engagement and connection. A special shout out to the Employee Engagement team (yes, they have a whole team around culture): Olivia, Erin, Page, and Blair. You four are a dream to work with and I am eternally grateful for our monthly calls.
- Thank you to the Greenville Chamber. The Chamber is also an 8-year client and over the years they’ve supported, referred, and encouraged me on a daily basis. The Human Potential Advisors team has been fortunate to support their Leadership Greenville efforts by facilitating two half-day sessions for their top Leadership Development Program for the past 4 years. We’ve also had the pleasure of working with the Chamber staff on StrengthsFinders. In 2022, we were able to deepen our relationship by investing in the Chamber Board of Advisors during a monthly meeting. A special shout out to Liz Horton and Tami Miller — you two inspire me to be a better leader and mentor just by working alongside you!
- A big thank you to the SC Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism for inviting us to serve as the keynote speaker during SCPRT’s annual retreat the past 3 years. Jeannie Brown, you are a pleasure to work with and I continue to be amazed at your team’s engagement, loyalty, and dedication to you and to the people of SC. You are an amazing manager and a great encourager.
- Thank you to the United Way of Greenville County for retaining us this year. It was such a pleasure to work with and get to know your team. We taught each month on communication with self, others, and external stakeholders. I was so encouraged to hear how the training not only helped your team’s work life, but also their home life as well! This team is celebrating their 100th year serving Greenville residents and making Greenville better with their efforts. Meghan Barp‚ you are making a difference and I am proud to know you!
- A big THANKS to WH Trucking for retaining us this year to help with your DRIVE leadership development efforts. This organization handpicked eight individuals to take through a year-long leadership development program. They hired industry leaders to invest each month, on a Saturday, in their participants. No wonder this organization has high retention and engagement. Thanks to Lawanna Dendy and Carlo White for believing in our team. We look forward to 2023 and to meeting a new group of future leaders to invest in!
- A big thanks to James Jordan with Jordan Construction Company for hiring us again this year to facilitate a full-day Leadership Retreat with your team. You continue to put Greenville on the map with your award-winning company, attitude, and staff. I am fond of each of you and always cheering you on from the sidelines!
- A big thanks to Cindy Teaster with Spartanburg One Leadership Program. Our team was thrilled to be asked to kick-off your year-long leadership program with an opening retreat — we thank you for the opportunity to invest in the future leaders of Spartanburg County. We are excited to see how the 54 participants will change the future of Spartanburg and beyond!
- Legacy Early College deserves a huge thank you. We are fortunate to work with and train all of their middle school and high school teachers each year. This year, something special happened. At the end of a long two days of training, the assistant principle called me to the front and said that they had a “gift” for me. Each teacher took turns calling out the good they see in ME. It was an amazing, emotional, encouraging experience. And those teachers gave me energy to continue the work of developing others. Thank you to LaCheryl Coleman for your friendship, support and belief in our team. We know your treatment of me (a vendor) is just a small example of the good that you do in the lives of each student within your organization.
- A special thanks to Cargo in Greenville, SC. I am truly enjoying working with your team. They are so hungry for leadership development and I am excited for next year as we develop the “Personality Project” for your staff. I can only imagine the transformation that will happen when your 85 employees become more self-aware and emotionally intelligent. Thank you Toby Stansell for your continued support and encouragement.
- Finally, a shout out to all my one-on-one Executive Coaching clients. For confidentiality purposes, these clients will not be listed but I thoroughly enjoy all the work we are doing/have done this year. I absolutely LOVE the one-on-one work. It fuels my “Developer” talent like no other.
While the above may be my top ten for 2022, there are SO many other individuals and connections for which I am thankful. To my family, friends, loved ones, team members, and vendors — thank you for all the support and encouragement you’ve given to me over this past year and all the years before.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am grateful for each and every one of you.